Join us for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign
Pyramid of Light – Psychic Protection
As a being of light,
darker energies may at times
seek to interfere with
your spiritual progress.
There is nothing to fear and
only more awareness of the power and
protection of divine love to experience.
The Pyramid of Light confirms that energies
have been causing interference with your path,
and it is now time for that interference
to cease completely, through loving divine power.

The Devil
Confusion in the passionate flame.
Fears and desires.
Always the same questions and no answers regarding the shadows in the mirror.
Rewinding of memories and emotions, captivating fantasy.
Only the voice of hunger and thirst can be heard.
Thinking becomes impersonal, mechanical, predictable.
Beauty misused, separated from yourself.
In the sharpened vision at the point of brilliance, new perspective opens.
The Kiss
Before a first kiss the air is electrified.
Each breath is alive with possibility and magic.
What will their lips be like?
Their tongue? Do they want me in return?
The archetypal energy of The Kiss is a heightened sensation of merging with the other, of letting in what was moments ago separate.
Two become one.
It is risky but beautiful business. These moments forever change us as we move past the solitary self toward union and acceptance.
This card suggests true intimacy is around the corner, which requires bravery and surrender. When The Kiss takes a nonhuman form, it may be experienced as touching the sacred, hearing a whisper, or being graced by a divine being.
You will recognize the presence of The Kiss by cold chills and awakening of the heart.
When light it is sensual experience, merging, inviting.
When dark it is neediness, pressure, dominance, disrespect.

I Ching
14 – The Way of Competence
Believe in the power of your uniqueness, claim your personal freedom. Be in the moment and claim your freedom from the past. No more compromising on your dreams, of what you love to do, be the driving force, enthusiasm. The Sun sustains life and is an inexhaustible source of energy and if we rise like the Sun, we need only activate our hidden powers of expansion. Like the Sun, by simply being, we set off a chain reaction of abundance, the power of attraction, magnetic force, fertility. We cultivate the seeds planted in the dark of winter that now emerge through the soil. This calls for efficiency, competence, and certainly fluidity – thinking logically and laterally. Allowing for creativity and receptivity, listening and responding. We play the guest of life and let things be as they are. This is a time when our Sun is rising and life has offered you its gift – the power to shine with an inner certainty, no defences, no control, just like nature. Let life lead you, let it unfold and know your place within the larger flow, cycles and rhythms. Possession by cosmic fire that burns away obstacles that keep you from experiencing yourself in this way. As the image of a hand opening to present an offering, when you open in this way, you will receive. Each individual exists within the greater body – we are not isolated. We need to behave as though we are one identity with all. We cannot exist autonomously, it’s less about ‘us’ or ‘identity’. True bountifulness is about creating more and more abundance in every direction and at every level of consciousness.