Join us for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign
Lady of the Stars
Sirius is a celestial goddess,
a star of unconditional love and wisdom
at an extremely high vibration.
She brings deep soul awakening spiritual gifts
and a high capacity of divine service.
She asks you to pay attention,
because something significant
is taking place
at a spiritual level for you at this time.

Five of Coins
Five is the number of transition and aliveness.
Whenever stillness and structures become institutionalised, rigidity and paralysis arise and transition becomes necessity.
Part of you would like to remain in the security of your daily routine,
but the part behind the mask of conditioning knows that life is movement.
You are being asked to look at that which paralyses you and to commit yourself.
The blind woman who stays on the track of fear and loss regains her sight.
The pain of change is a necessary element in regaining your aliveness.
The Orphan
To study The Orphan is to study the deep and challenging energy of our time. We are ever more connected, yet face collective isolation. The refugee crisis, hauts our planet, children are separated from parents, and the earth begs for our attention. We are in a time of universal orphanage – of nature, of each other, of our own hearts. Take refuge in the fact that we all share this core wound and dilemma. It is normal to fear this card, as it haunts the caverns of the soul. When it appears, take time – real time – to be in the presence of the feelings this card stirs up in you. Let it humble you. What are you starving for? What is the deepest gift you could imagine giving to others? What has been rejected is quite possibly what is most needed, dear one. When light it is deep solace, deep acceptance, deep love. When dark it is distanced, “hates” and avoids, controlling, limiting.

I Ching
58 – The Joyous
This is about the drive and vitality for life, the zest for life that shows in the fact that things in the world want to be improved.
It is a vital process, on many levels, to challenge the status quo, the mainstream and not settle with being satisfied.
The zest for life is inexhaustible, and we can make this energy available to a collective, larger process.
Applying yourself in a way where you prevent insatiability or frustration.
At the same time if we are searching and seeking satisfaction and pleasure on the outside, then we will miss the bliss on the inside.