We have a Taurus Solar Eclipse on 30th April 2022 at 21.28 GMT.
Saturday 30 April – New Moon in Taurus 21:28 BST
Sunday 1 May – Venus sextile Pluto 11:37 BST
Monday 2 May – Venus into Aries 17:10 BST
Tuesday 3 May – Jupiter square Mars 15:41 BST
Wednesday 4 May – Mars sextile Uranus 16:47 BST
Thursday 5 May – Sun conjunct Uranus 8:21 BST
Friday 6 May – Mercury sextile Venus 7:01 BST
Saturday 7 May – Sun sextile Mars 10:48 BST
Tuesday 10 May – Mercury Retrograde 12:47 BST
Wednesday 11 May – Jupiter into Aries 00:22 BST
Sunday 15 May – Venus conjunct Chiron 13:12 BST
Sunday 15 May – Sun square Saturn 21:49 BST
Sunday 15 May – Sun sextile Neptune 20:15 BST
Monday 16 May – Full Moon in Scorpio 5:14 BST
The Moon is exalted in Taurus, and Venus, the ruler of Taurus is exalted in Pisces and in conjunction to Jupiter. That’s some happy Moon and Venus energy. A beautiful time to plant some seeds or intentions after the new moon (around 9 hours after the exact time is ideal).
This eclipse is interesting as the chart cast for the exact time places the south node is on the ascendant, which makes the north node is on the descendant. This places a strong emphasis on the relationship axis, suggesting this eclipse brings up issues surrounding the ‘I’am’ with the ‘other’. Knowing where you stand in your relationships will be emphasised.
I would say it’s a time to release old lovers and bring in the new ones. It’s a time for working on love relationships, with ourselves (our inner aspects) and with our hearts. A lot of powerful changes can emerge from this focus. So go deep within your heart.
With the focus on the feminine softness and taking deep care, we can access deep flow and surrender. We can let go into the deeper waters of our inner wellspring and let the truth from deep inside rise up to the surface for awareness or healing.
This is also the perfect time for deep forgiveness work, for releasing old traumas, through working with the more lunar space, deep shamanic connection alongside the Divine. The heart can really open and soften.
Fascinatingly Venus forms an exact conjunction with Jupiter at this eclipse within a couple of arcs of minute – it doesn’t get more exact than this. If you are a Taurean or Libran, this eclipse might prove interesting, since Venus is your ruler. Anyway, with Venus and Jupiter working so closely together in Pisces, where Venus is exalted (like the Moon is exalted in Taurus) there is a feel good factor about this eclipse.
A solid grounding into our spirit is available to us to now, our focus is more on the feminine, perhaps even a real opportunity to dive deep into this space since on the 2nd Venus moves into Aries, and shortly after Jupiter into Aries also. Both giving us more a fiery and outward expression.
Jupiter moves into Aries on 10th May, the same day as Mercury turns retrograde. This will make us feel more dynamic and pioneering, perhaps even more so if we deeply take advantage of the healing open to us at the eclipse.
After the very internal feeling winter time, it will feel finally like the sunshine has emerged. We can always emerge more richly and authentically if we have deeply journeyed in and sojourned with the deep winter’s call for inner spaciousness.
More generally, Jupiter supports us to expand our experiences and our deeper understanding, knowledge and wisdom. We have been forced somewhat, while in Pisces to really let go and widen our belief systems, or let go of them entirely, and adopt a more relaxed approach, where we look beyond and deeper.
When in Aries, Jupiter feels more restless but takes us into our intuition and inspiration. Aries is in the element of cardinal fire, a time of taking the lead. It’s not a time to wait for things to happen. The longer, patient process of winter is letting go and we are now taking what we have learnt and paving forward.
Jupiter will remain in Aries until 27th October, where he will slip back into Pisces for a short spin until 20th December. Jupiter then takes one more longer trip through Aries until 16th May 2023.
Knowing where Jupiter is journeying in your chart will tell you what is opening up and where you have more celestial support, the easier expansion.
At the same time, Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini and then slips back into Taurus. We might be reminded of what developed in November 2021. It might feel like the next level or stage of that journey.
It’s a great new moon for ritual; partly because it’s combined with the eclipse, partly the relationship emphasis of the nodes, the culmination or pinnacle of the feminine surrender cycle. You can choose what new openings you want to set in place, what supportive patterns you want to ignite now. This is also a time for concrete, practical action.
Take some time to feel into what will serve you best and sow the seeds. Keep it short and simple also, and connected to your feelings, Taurus New Moon’s like that.
More on Taurus Solar Eclipse 2022 see Card Guidance