Join us daily for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign
Scales of Balance
Balancing give and take,
directions and flowing,
play and solitude are ways to heal the relationship between the inner masculine and feminine energies.
Connection with the body is the most powerful form of healing for the feminine energy,
as it holds the secrets to divine feminine wisdom.
So dance, sing, play!

The Empress
Mountains surround you, Where grasses and trees grow.
Emptiness and fullness.
To occupy a space.
Naked and open Entering a space.
Organic reality.
A body understands and speaks many languages.
Devotion and creativity are born in the centre of the heart.
Nurturing, nourishing – Source of being.
The Womb
Everything has an origin story. The Womb archetype asks us to contemplate the beginning beyond the beginning, The Mother beyond The Mother.
In a world that often negates the power and necessity of feminine principles, this card returns us to the warmth, tenderness, and sacred intelligence from which we came. It is a card of receiving, not achieving, of accepting love from The Mother of us all.
She is the life-giving force that forgives and cherishes even the most wounded and desperate soul. No matter how lost you are, The Womb awaits your return to help you heal and grow. This card is a call to keep things simple, to return, to be reborn in the name of love. The Womb is everywhere.
It is beyond gender, beyond time. We are within it as it is within us. When light it is nourishment, harmony, warmth, love. When dark it is stricken, ecological, crisis, infertility, imbalance.

I Ching
6 – The Way of Conflict
The Way of Diplomacy is about moving from Conflict to Peace. Peace is the very purpose of evolution. Every Shadow is rooted in a frequency of conflict. The Dilemma is protection, and it’s all about the deep rooted fear of death. We need to realise that this fear is inside, not outside us. Therefore any conflict outside ourselves leads to healing your inside wounds first. A huge amount of energy is wasted on protection, on defence. From what? This Gene Key is here to shatter the greatest illusion – that there’s anything or anyone outside ourselves in the first place. It’s not possible for another being to take away our life, because we are life. When we open our heart, we learn that we no longer have to fear fear itself. It’s through the 6th Gift that the human race will rediscover its true nature as kindly, friendly, trusting, and loving. It’s all about alchemy, about the transformation of the gross into subtle. Alchemy in action is witnessed by meeting our shadows and transforming them into creative services. Peace has to be found on the inside before it can manifest on the outside. Peace is the final flowering of alchemy. Even if our body dies, our consciousness is not localised there, so it’s nothing to be feared. That level of trust and knowing generates a kind of peace that passeth all understanding.