We have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on 26th May 2021 at 12.14 BST.
Wednesday 26 May – Full Moon in Sagittarius 12:14 GMT
Thursday 27 May – Venus square Neptune 20:25 GMT
Saturday 29 May – Mercury conjunct Venus 6:13 GMT
Saturday 29 May – Mercury Retrograde 23:34 GMT
Monday 31 May – Mars trine Neptune 6:15 GMT
Wednesday 2 June – Sun sextile Chiron 12:23 GMT
Wednesday 2 June – Venus into Cancer 14:28 GMT
Thursday 3 June – Sun trine Saturn 20:05 GMT
Friday 4 June – Venus trine Jupiter 0:33 GMT
Saturday 5 June – Mercury square Neptune 20:05 GMT
Saturday 5 June – Mars opposite Pluto 20:45 GMT
Thursday 10 June – New Moon in Gemini 11:53 GMT
Mercury stays in Gemini until 12th July, which is a very long time in Gemini. This heralds a lot of communication, and as Neptune is in square to Gemini, and therefore challenging Mercury in varying degrees, there is a chance of miscommunication and extra confusion, with Neptune applying his fog. As with all retrogrades, the energy is at a higher octave, and so more stimulating, so we need to actively slow down internally – this is enough to avoid Mercury retrograde issues.
Yet Mercury rules Gemini, so this makes this a strong transit, focusing it on intellect, communication and thinking things through. We need to also be more mindful of our nervous system, as air signs are linked to this, that we don’t fall into analysis paralysis.
Yet with the strong Neptune transit, we can also expect more epiphanies, revelations and realisations. It’s a more active, intuitive level of Mercury. This is a problem solving Mercury, and we should find that we can intuitively and logically work things through at this time. The need to communicate will be strong.
Venus in Gemini also, enhances and funnels that communicative energy. Also there’s an unusual time of productivity accessible to to us between now and 22nd June, with Mercury retrograde, stay with the flow, stay flexible, this is a time when if we adapt to changing and unusual circumstances, we should get really positive results. This is a reviewing, refining process. It shouldn’t be that challenging to receive what you need when you need it.
Jupiter in Pisces has been bringing the rain. It’s adding the flexibility to our flow, and movement, and connections. The capacity to step into flow is strong. Jupiter here is opening the door to forgiveness, compassion and soul connection.
The eclipse is important as it’s highlighting all what the Mercury and Venus Gemini want to accomplish. The Sun in Gemini, with Mercury and Venus in Gemini, be mindful of your thinking. This month allows us to engage with our thinking and communicate.
As with all eclipses, if they highlight certain points or planets in our charts, they will uncompromisingly force changes in direction. They put us where we need to be. Initially, this might not feel comfortable or reflect ‘high frequency’, but ultimately, we will see things blossom from this, since they represent quantum leaps into different states of awareness and consciousness. Lunar eclipses are often about what needs to fall away from our lives.
Switches to Taurus and Scorpio at the end of the year, which means Uranus gets more attention later in the year, as he is journeying through Taurus. Other eclipses the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse season are the 10th June, the other pair of this current one and 4th December, which is paired with a Taurus eclipse. The Taurus eclipse is 19th November. So particularly if you have planets in Taurus-Gemini, this and next year are strong years for you.
Saturn has stationed, and now we have the eclipses, so things are about to get a bit more rocky. The eclipse is on the South Node, which emphasises the releasing, creating an absence where there was a presence. What needs to be released from Sagittarius?
What new Jupiter energies, especially with his sojourn into Pisces, wants to happen? Letting go of the ideas of being on one quest to live a better one. What is deeply meaningful for you, at a soul level? Sagittarius is the action oriented side of Jupiter.
The seeds also planted in last solar New Moon in December, laid the foundations of whatever is culminating at this May eclipse. The energies of which carry forward for the next 6 months. So we are making room now for more of the newness, of what feels more the new you, to come through.
This could manifest in varying ways with Gemini-Sagittarius. It could be that you are changing the style and means by which you communicate your messages. Shifting your tone, communicating from a different space inside. Are you needing to be more spontaneous? Or step more into your teacher?
Also this idea of the inner student – have you always been a student of life? Have you begun to outgrow listening to others opinions and ‘teachings’ and need to step more into your own truth or inner teacher? Are you now ready to step into more of your own teacher? How have you become more wise over the last 6 months. What have you learnt, that you now need to acknowledge.
The game has changed considerably in terms of how communication takes shape in our lives. The need for ‘in person’ has shifted increasingly into ‘online’. We have had to adjust, many resist to adapt to the changing circumstances, following the Tao of change.
Not all change feels helpful or welcome, of course, but change needs to happen for realisations to arrive into our lives. Our online lives are perhaps only temporarily, until we have saturated ourselves in that frequency to the point where we realise big change needs to occur. It’s a journey in and out, spiralling back and forth until we find more the form of what things need to be.
The last year has brought shifts and new awareness in our capacities to understand how others hear us, or do not hear us. Where we have been, in true Sagittarius style, blind to the ways in which we just run with what’s comfortable, as it’s part of a known structure, or safety net.
Now these nets and structures are being revealed for what they are, and will further be revealed for what they are, as the retrograde planets push into more uncomfortable corners, we can expect more and more dismantling of matrix non realities, to make way for what’s sustaining us into the new earth.
So, continue to welcome what comes, work on your fears, open up conversations and make meaning of your experiences, so the integration keeps coming.