We have a Full Moon in Libra on 6 April at 5:34 BST.
Thursday 6 April – Full Moon in Libra 5:34 BST
Friday 7 April – Venus sextile Neptune 18:58 BST
Saturday 8 April – Mercury sextile Mars 7:28 BST
Tuesday 11 April – Venus into Gemini 5:47 BST
Tuesday 11 April – Venus trine Pluto 11:14 BST
Tuesday 11 April – Sun conjunct Jupiter 23:07 BST
Friday 14 April – Venus square Saturn 17:38 BST
Thursday 20 April – New Moon in Aries 5:12 BST
After the powerful Aries New Moon and all the planetary activity last month, different directions might have emerged, or even action taken which bring more alignment and hope for the future.
If nothing new has sprung into your life as yet, then don’t worry, it can take time for even powerful New Moons to have their effect.
This Full Moon is about creating balance, harmony, beauty and a freshness in both your inner and outer environment, to support us to stay in the space in between.
The emphasis is also placed on relationships and keeping them in check. There can be a coming together and then a moving a part. There is no right way, but trust in the flow between you and others and feel into where things need to go.
A time to avoid being fixed on things or on one side, but trust more in what feels aligned, brings balance and harmony and give yourself to that.
Venus is the ruler of this Full Moon in Libra, and we also have Mercury, Venus, North Node and Uranus in Taurus (also ruled by Venus). So Venusian ways – cultivating beauty, spending money, all things pleasurable, and all things feminine, help us to stay aligned.

Use your resources wisely and practically, channel your creativity. Think things through from a Venusian stand point. She’s also in a supportive and creative sextile with Neptune, heightening our compassionate, caring and creative sides. While in an intense and passionate trine to Pluto, encouraging depth.
It should be easier to quickly disperse tension in our relationships and bring back the flow and harmony. We should find it easier to keep the peace. With Mercury on the Taurus North Node in Taurus, this emphasises the slowing down, respecting boundaries and taking care.
Talking of keeping the peace, Mars is now after many months, in the early degrees of Cancer. This, and the recent other planetary ingresses into new signs, is bringing a very different vista. Things are shifting, we are closing cycles and opening new ones.
New environments, new people, new inner reality to which to make adjustments. Mars in Cancer tends towards passive aggressiveness and struggles to express his energy directly, it tends towards compromise, broodiness, emotionally repression and not asserting rights.
In Cancer, Mars tends towards a more protective or defensive quality, rather than aggression. This can be useful if needing to work with creating safe spaces or defend those more vulnerable.

Mars has been in a supportive trine to Saturn over the last week. Mercury at their midpoint (therefore in sextile to both Mars and Saturn), this has been incredible for focus and hard work, keeping us focused on the goal, communicating with purpose and clarity.
There is quite a determined quality to this aspect pattern, which if kept in balance, supports leadership and getting things done. It continues for a couple of days so make the most of it as Mercury will soon turn retrograde.
Mercury turns into his retrograde phase on 21st April and Pluto follows suit on 1st May. All the external energy we’ve had access to, to get things moving, is about to start to turn inward. This will allow us to process the in some cases massive changes and align more deeply with where we want to go next.

The Sun-Chiron-Jupiter conjunction in Aries with the Sun culminating to it’s conjunction with Jupiter on 11th April is helping us access hope and optimism while allowing us to envision the broader picture of our lives, giving us perspective and perhaps even a sense of plan.
While the Sun in Aries tends towards a more action orientated approach to life, there is at the same time here a pause, and a capacity to take things in differently. To see how we need at the same time to go slow, to not force, or pursue our mission too ardently.
Libra energy helps us compromise, act with fairness and a degree of decorum, all very useful, if not essential, in new environments and situations. Tentative, baby steps are needed in order to feel the ground beneath your feet. Mars in Cancer is also helping us to go slow and make small adjustments.
At this time, with the Sun close to Chiron, we are more in touch with our wounds and what we need for our healing. We are able to see perhaps now how the last cycle has provided us with what we needed to grow, or encounter. We can also see what we now need to heal from that cycle more fully.
Take some time until 11th for for deeper reflection on the past cycle in order to get clear on what’s needed for the new cycle now emerging.
With the Sun highlighting the Chiron-Jupiter synergy, we can feel or perhaps touch how things, our lives, the bigger picture, is coming together. This ‘coming together’ is like a union of soul and spirit. Of the inner and outer journey, and the polarities within.
It’s a bit like a tapestry or kaleidoscope before us, where we can see the majesty, the orchestration of all the parts, playing their roles to perfection. The fragments, that once operated separately, are now in a dance.
Those we blamed or projected on to, whose behaviour we couldn’t fathom, or stomach, under this triple conjunction now makes more sense; the pieces of the puzzle can slowly begin to come together and form a different shape, one that truly reflects reality, as opposed to our filtered illusion.
Juggling differing realities and worlds is never easy. Getting fluid to accept one world within fully, and the other just as fully, was never going to be easy. It’s mastery to be able to jump between them with the agility and flexibility of a cat. But as one side is true, so the other is.
This is true harmony, where our inner fragments just dance, or throw themselves about, yet always coming back to the truth that there is no real polarisation, just spectrum, and in fairness all parts play a part and have a story of their own, if we are willing to listen deeply enough.
At the same time, an incredible self-acceptance, compassion for self and others is growing in accessibility. We can continue to drop into these frequencies to deepen and harness our core self.
More on Libra Full Moon 2023 see Card Guidance