Moon guidance card guidance

Leo Full Moon 2025 – Card Guidance

by Maia Mires

Join us daily for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign



Power over Seven Scorpions

You are being united

into the magick of conjuring

so as to have power to affect lower vibrational forces

through your own will and spoken word.

You are guided to use

this powerful gift with compassion and discernment,

with mercy and non-judgement.

You can then manage

any toxicity in your life

swiftly and with great effect.

Power over seven scorpions
3 of Cups - tarot


Three of Cups

Festivities, celebrating, and sharing. Not leaving, but stepping out of the cosy limits of two-some intimacy.

The transition and new contacts are celebrated. The boundaries of everyday life shift and expand. Forget your worries, but don’t suppress them.

A new beginning, a fluid sense of being in the present. Images and roles change.

Celebrating, playing, dancing, and communicating nice and easy.

A celebration is an unfolding and a cleansing.

Heavy emotions transform into lightness and joy and renew themselves.



The Nectar

In Hindu mythology there is a miraculous substance known as amrit, or nectar, that contains infinite healing power. This golden nectar or sacred elixir is the drink of immorality and, like its sister substance soma, is known to activate subtle intelligent forces that ease the mind, body, and spirit. Though esoteric, these images lead us to the central energy of this archetype – the sweet, potent, heavenly essence that lubricates our spirit back to life. The Nectar card calls us to identify and relish in places, practises, people, and activities that regenerate and heal. Medicine is needed, and it comes in subtle form that you may be overlooking. Seek the most sensuous fragrant flower in the garden you have forgotten. Don’t underestimate this remedy. It is said when someone has activated this substance within, it is reflected in their shimmering eyes. When light it is glowing, relaxed, subtle illumination. When dark it is fixation on fixing, aggressive approach to healing.

35 I'ching

I Ching

35 – Progress

This hexagram is called To Advance, and combines the trigrams Li and K’un, fire and earth. This card is an expression of stretching out into progressive, diverse and freshness, doing what we do, in a new way. It’s an active, opening energy, where if nothing happens or there’s a sense of being trapped, it pushes forward, and so it is driven to become an all-rounder, to connect and bridge, to try everything, it’s very Gemini Venus. The secret is to know when to say no more, enough is enough, so we are not insatiably striving for the new and more. The message is to say yes to life’s adventures. Bridging and connecting with others to move out of isolation, a way into other dimensions of existence. It knows when something new has to come, and encourages a boundlessness in life.