Moon guidance card guidance

Cancer Full Moon 2025 – Card Guidance

by Maia Mires

Join us daily for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign



Temple of Carnelian

It is time to trust

in your own boldness and courage.

Taking risks that feel true

to your heart

and engaging in practices

that make you feel truly and genuinely alive, embodied and more of yourself,

even if not always comfortable,

are going to help

you live the life you were born to live.

Temple of Carnelian Isis
Tarot - lovers


The Lovers

Soul, nakedly looking into the mirror.

Twilight, doubt, duality, double vision, thinking, listening, confusion.

The release of identities,

the shedding of old skin.

Meeting the NON-I.

A blossom opening.

Inner forces becoming fluid, soft, supple,

fresh vibrating energy moving up the spine.

Gently meeting beyond all opposites.

You and I are becoming one.



The Temple

When we think of The Temple, we often envision an architectural structure in a far-off land. We are quick to distance ourselves from the sacred, assuming we must expend much effort in order to arrive there. Yet The Temple is a universal and omnipresent energy, accessible in the highest and lowest, richest and poorest of places. Visiting The Temple might be as simple as stepping into the dappled light of The Forest, slowly and sensuously kissing a lover, or closing your eyes to travel inward. This card is a call to reexamine what you pay homage to and what you reject.

What do you spend your time worshipping (your phone, money, material goods)? What barriers do you draw between yourself and the sacred? Perhaps there is room on your altar for something new, something surprising. Offer it to the heavens. When light it is reverence for all, life as sanctuary. When dark it is idolatry, cults, strict spirituality.

Temple - archetypes
I'ching - 5

I Ching

5 – Waiting

This hexagram is called Patience, and combines the trigrams K’an and Ch’ien, water and heaven. The fundamental attunement to natural rhythms. Waiting as an active state of awareness. Waiting brings all life forms together in the rhythm of life. Waiting without waiting. Use the time when there is no conclusion or resolution with nourishing your life in other ways. Trust that when the time is ripe, the situation will embody the answer. This time of waiting will give form and help you recognise which vision you choose to hold, so it can support you to define yourself further. Be fearless in testing the waters of the unknown. Take this time to be sure of what you want. After a time of waiting only sincerity remains; if it is real, it will endure.