Moon guidance card guidance

Cancer Full Moon 2023 – Card Guidance

Published on: 18 Dec, 2023

Join us for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign



The Brother in Darkness

Whenever negative

energy is present,

it is a sign that we are

ready to move more

deeply into our

feminine divine power.

You shall overcome any

negative energy with

grace and triumph.

Stay in your heart.

There is no need to be afraid.

Isis - mother of life
Tarot - The Devil



The Star

Everything has melted into an all-encompassing landscape of white light.

Sparkling, clear, luminous, translucent and glimmering like mother of pearl — constantly moving.

The inner beauty, the soul, child of the stars, aware of every gesture of its hands, while scooping water from the spring and watering the soil .

The path is blessed, cool healing light shines on burning wounds.




The Offering

Unlike many of the other cards in the deck, The Offering carries a clear-as-day message and a call to action.

As you may have guessed, it is time for something to be given – and given up – for the sake of the bigger picture. If nothing comes to mind immediately (though it’s likely it will), take time in meditation to consider what must be offered and who is to receive it.

It’s likely you’ll feel attachment and hesitancy. You’ll make excuses. But recognise the link between the word “sacrifice” and the word “sacred”. One leads to the other.

When we offer up something to the greater good, we lighten our load and become more able to serve. Imagine for a moment if you were able to offer your whole self, unconditionally, to the world. For now, start small.

When light it is generosity, donation, volunteering.

When dark it is giving with expectations, keeping track.

ARCHETYPE CARDS - the orphan
54 - the marrying maiden

I Ching

57 – The Way of Intuition

This card is intuitive awareness that supports survival, in its very material form. It runs very deep, and is the source of the consciousness, representing the deep intuition of humans, which ensures well-being and survival, a gateway into the future.

It is sensitive to noise and vibrations. To be attentive and alert in the now is the mode of anticipating what is to come. It is selective, and it does not layer its intuitions onto everyone else as truth.

Intuition can also take us deeper into the mire of suffering. Intuition or ‘yi’ the water eye, is a very gentle path, because it slices through matter and illusion, guiding us through our karma and eventually brings us out into the light, into clarity.

To get to the heart of matter, we must let go of the ‘I’, and this sense of ‘knowing’ and step bravely into the unknown. It leaves us often vulnerable and naked. It is the myth of the philosopher’s stone and we are here to unlock the deepest layers of light within that stone, the Maya.

When we penetrate to the heart of matter, the whole fabric of reality is shook. Beyond that is only truth – death is an illusion.