Join us for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign
Scales of Balance
Balancing give and take,
directions and flowing,
play and solitude are ways
to heal the relationship between the inner masculine and feminine energies.
Connection with the body is the most powerful form
of healing for the feminine energy,
as it holds the secrets to divine feminine wisdom.
So dance, sing, play!

Three of Flames
The fire of creativity.
A song gathering something in the world of the unknown and bringing it into the world of the known.
Sounds originating from the pulsating rhythms of your body. Audible breath.
Daring to express yourself. Red light flowing through your throat.
Modulating soft and loud sounds.
Playing with vocals and consonants. Back to the OM, the primal sound, the mother of all sounds.
The atmosphere filling itself with sound. Something new is born.
The Creator
The Creator – the first archetype in the trio of existence – is not intimidated by darkness or by lack. They know that from the void, creation inevitably emerges.
With meager, minimal, and outlandish materials The Creator reveals a new image. They make The Empty Room resonate with healing sounds; they generate bounty from the seed that others tossed away. Though generative, this archetype annihilates preconceived notions of what is possible, leaving unexpected openings in the wake of its destruction.
The Creator does this by, first, being absolutely present to what is (not imagining or wishing things were different) and, second, trusting that a force greater than themselves awaits constant collaboration with each human soul. Whether we call it nature, god, goddess, shakti, or divinity, it remains nameless… it is The Creator’s lifelong companion. When light it is curious, playful, open, surprising. When dark it loses spark, feels burdened.

I Ching
45 – Gathering Together
We have fallen out of trust, the human dilemma being insecurity leading to Dominance instead of Communion. This Shadow frequency only feels unsafe, as it has lost touch with the whole. We have to overcome our insecurity in a world run by the frequency of dominance. The challenge is to feel safe in a world that doesn’t easily let us relax. Much of the Shadow of Dominance is about ownership. Life is slipping away so we want to hold onto something. The only way to overcome your insecurity is by facing the Shadow, feeling and embracing it. This is how fear is transformed and behind it lies trust. When we trust we come into alignment with the whole cosmos, and we feel calm and ease, no matter what we’re going through. The wave of synergy is an aspect of the evolutionary impulse at work; it’s the creative field of transformation as the old themes of dominance are set aside in favour of a new awareness. The self-organising principle exists at all levels within the cosmos. When we allow life – with its wild, organic patterns, it naturally tends towards evolution and seeks a higher manifestation.