Moon guidance card guidance

Pisces New Moon 2025 – Card Guidance

by Maia Mires

Join us daily for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign



Healing the Divine Masculine

The Divine Masculine within

provides protection,


ealing and a sense of deep safety and holding,

even through

the most uncomfortable circumstances of life.

Your Inner Masculine

is going through healing right now,

growing stronger in the ability

to offer you inner protection and stability

so that you Inner Feminine

can blossom with creative expression.

Healing the Divine Masculine
tarot - son of flames


Son of Flames

My mother gave the gift of warmth to me. My father showed me how to direct my heat. My sister awakened beauty and grace in me.

My flame, which originated in my mother’s golden glow, is called knowledge. I walk the path of the heart, of laughter, and of lust. When my fire flows through the entire organism I am called admirer of love’s lust.

I am the drummer, I serve a power, which is greater than myself. I tell the story of my clan, my kin, and my people through my drumming. Tongues of fire begin to speak when the drum takes me.

I am the catalyst in the space of distance. I drum feelings out of the gut of people and make them twitch, vibrate, shake, twirl, and dance. My language is easy to comprehend. It is simple, straight-forward, and direct.



The Healer 

Though some claim the work of The Healer as their gift and name it as their dharma, the force of this archetype is within everyone. It is our natural inclination to remember, to return to, and to reclaim that central and eternal life force from which we so easily drift away. In Sanskrit, the word avidya means “forgetting”, and it is said that this is the source of all suffering and dis-ease.

The Healer’s mission then becomes to move through the comfort of forgetting, through the veils of ignorance and denial, to reveal the radiance that already exists. The Healer approaches this in multiple ways, from multiple angles, knowing the cycle of healing is not linear – it is a multilayered and circuitous process, always leading back to its own origin…much like the ouroboros. When light it is self-contained, grateful, awake. When dark it is tired, needy, forgetting its own practice.

Archetypes - the healer
56 - the way of enrichment

I Ching

56- the Wanderer

This hexagram is called The Traveller, and combines the trigrams Li and Ken, fire and mountain. Seekers of newness, the teller stories, moving into the metaphoric, non literal – inspiring, luminous experiences that enrich you – but of a homoeopathic dose. This is about movement, lightness, not knowing where you are going, knowing home is nowhere, living in a space without boundaries. Travelling alone you can be guided by just yourself, where profound experiences pierce you. Moving away from distractions, investments, attachments and conditioning – regular routines, addictions, patterns and behaviour that pulls you down in your five senses. The wanderer embraces the uncertainty and surrender, moving through life with fluidity, flexibility and adaptability. It’s a time for seeing just what is in front of your eyes and letting that unfold, AND the vast horizon, of not knowing where you are going. This is about mutability and transmutation also, lightening the load to embrace the new. You can’t travel freely with a heavy bag of wood that you need to burn – think what needs to be released – through all levels of your being and life. It can be a time for changes – homes, careers, relationships. This is a gift of feeling, sensuality and aliveness.