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Divine Destiny
The Divine Warrior is within you,
helping you to continue
with a worthy path
even during times of difficulty.
When faced with a challenge,
a true warrior will summon more
of him – or herself to the cause.
It might be by bringing more wisdom,
focus, or intelligence,
or surrendering into the Divine.
The Warrior within
has great inner resourcefulness and determination.
Eight of Feathers
The eye’s vision.
A changing of perspectives.
The stronger you hold on to the past the more you copy it again and again, the more distorted and grotesque your perception will become.
Recognize shadows and ghosts for what they really are.
When do they show up? Why do they show up? How do they come into being?
Recognise their dynamics and play with it.
Everything you see is you.
It is all perceived on your retina.
Forgive yourself and acquire a new perspective.
The One
Our ability to experience this archetype firsthand is limited. It comes in brief and potent moments that we are left to savor for a lifetime. The One is both the energy that unites all living beings and our capacity to sense this intimate union.
This archetype eludes us most of our lives, appearing as a concept in a distant galaxy. Yet when we are in the midst of its power, a solemn reverence falls across all the land.
We glimpse ourselves in the vastness of all consciousness and are neither important nor unimportant. All duality fades away and we are left with what is – the precious knowing that life is a gift, and we are both the giver and the receiver of its fortune.
When light it serves, loves, accepts, resonates. When dark it ignores, omits, excludes.
I Ching
57 – the Gentle
This hexagram is called Gentle and Yielding, and the trigram Sun, wind, appears twice. This card is intuitive awareness that supports survival, in its very material form. It runs very deep, and is the source of the consciousness, representing the deep intuition of humans, which ensures well-being and survival, a gateway into the future. It is sensitive to noise and vibrations. To be attentive and alert in the now is the mode of anticipating what is to come. It is selective, and it does not layer its intuitions onto everyone else as truth. Intuition can also take us deeper into the mire of suffering. Intuition or ‘yi’ the water eye, is a very gentle path, because it slices through matter and illusion, guiding us through our karma and eventually brings us out into the light, into clarity. To get to the heart of matter, we must let go of the ‘I’, and this sense of ‘knowing’ and step bravely into the unknown. It leaves us often vulnerable and naked. It is the myth of the philosopher’s stone and we are here to unlock the deepest layers of light within that stone, the Maya. When we penetrate to the heart of matter, the whole fabric of reality is shook. Beyond that is only truth – death is an illusion.