Moon guidance card guidance

Gemini Full Moon 2024 – Card Guidance

Published on: 12 Dec, 2024

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Divine Destiny

The Divine Warrior is within you,

helping you

to continue with a worthy path

even during times of difficulty.

When faced with a challenge,

a true warrior

will summon more of him –

or herself to the cause.

It might be by bringing more wisdom,

focus, or intelligence,

or surrendering into the Divine.

The Warrior within

has great inner resourcefulness and determination.

Divine Destiny - Isis (1)
4 of coins


Four of Coins

Occupying a space. That which once was a new experience condenses itself in the number four.

It becomes clear, solid, and structured. Boundaries are being drawn.

Structuring things leads to a sense of security.

The necessity to establish boundaries.

If you become obsessed with boundaries, they will turn into a prison. In this card we encounter once more the serpent of the ace and the two of coins.

It represents stillness and mobility and overcomes the rigidity born out of holding on too tightly.

This card contains four different possibilities: A solid, clearly defined space.

The security that arises out of it. The power of boundaries as expressed in terms of security and imprisonment. The serpent going beyond all limits.

It sets things in motion. Four of the earth element: Occupy your space, establish boundaries, structure yourself, and come to rest.



The Mentor

It is said that cosmic knowledge pours down on the world like a great illuminating waterfall.

This can be an overwhelming force.

The true teacher, though, is said to be able to hold this flow of wisdom at bay while the student sips from a focused stream.

The Mentor archetype has a gift for reading the room, for sensing the exact ingredient that will stimulate growth within the student (whether pleasant or painful).

The Mentor may appear aloof or available, harsh or tender, humorous or rigid…their gift is to know what serves the soul.

Ultimately The Mentor is in service of the greater cosmic good and aids in the elevation of consciousness.

Anytime The Mentor forgets this humble link and mistakes themselves for the source of enlightenment, the archetype falls into shadow.

When light it is focused, clear, bright, remains a student. When dark it is self-serving, envious of youth, righteous, rigid.

Archetypes - the Mentor
23 - the way of Simplicity-2

I Ching

23 – The Way of Simplicity

One of the keys to happiness is simplicity and synchronicity. The symbol for this hexagram is a knife. Slicing through – streamlining.

It’s about exposing shadow but not in a negative light. It’s about allowing things to break down, distilling and rebuilding them so they shine the beauty within.

This is about the quintessence and numinous of life which is found in the problem. When we have lost this simplicity in our individual and collective lives, it’s time for declines, decrease and deterioration, and this is a natural part of life.

This is a time of waiting and protecting while in difficult times. Reaching into the heart of the matter. Life needs different things at different times as it runs on rhythms.

By attempting to resolve things that are not at this time resolvable, you can do more damage than good. The answer here is trusting simplicity, getting back to nature.

Complexity comes from an incoherence in the mind, simplicity from the being, the quintessence at the heart of things.