Moon guidance card guidance

Aries Full Moon 2024 – Card Guidance

Published on: 17 Oct, 2024

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Serpent of Fire

Do not assess

your current ability based on past standards,

as they no longer apply to you.

You are stronger and more powerful now

than you have been before.

You need to learn afresh

what you are capable of –

and Isis helps you,


serpent of fire - isis
6 of coins - Tarot



Six of Coins

Giving and taking.

Direct your attention to your feet. Feel your exchange with the earth through the soles of your feet.

Running across different types of soil – i.e. sand, stony ground, soil, mud, moss, and meadows –

refreshes not only the feet but also the whole body and all its organs.

Pay attention to your posture.

How do your feet stand on the ground?

How do they carry the weight of your body?

The feet take in, the hands give away.

Once this flow is established, new growth will happen.

An exchange without blockages.

Experience this cycle as primal movement and apply it to your relationships with people.




It is tempting to oversimplify death and sum it up as transformation.

But the true archetypal resonance of Thanatos cannot be easily assimilated or contained. Death is ongoing and omnipresent, an eternal response to the gift of birth. Witnessing the ending of another being, creature, phase, or stage has deep consequences for the psyche.

We are forever changed by Thanatos as it sweeps us under its wings, making us relinquish control in every form.

It leaves a mark of ash upon our heart, signifying we have touched the cusp of The Underworld and will return to the land of the living eventually, with more compassion, and wisdom to share.

This capacity is needed in our world. One who has faced the annihilation of Thanatos can face anything.

When this card appears, it signifies an initiation into The Underworld.

When light it is grieving, mourning, bearing witness to all that is. When dark it is fear or insensitivity to old age, illness, the dying.

46 - I'ching

I Ching

46 – The Way of Delight

This hexagram is called Rising Up, and combines the trigrams K’un and Sun, earth and wind. If we could see that every thought, word and deed we make has direct consequences for our future, the world would clean up its act really fast. Seriousness is about how deeply submerged we are in the drama and our attachment to it. Sooner or later, we’ll see the joke.

The deeper we are in the maya, the illusion, the more attached and constricted we are. Our mind and its beliefs and opinions are based on good and bad. On a higher plane, there is no good and bad, only the playing out of the mechanics of fortune. Bad behaviour simply leads to a consequence, which takes us deeper into matter. Good behaviour loosens our grip of matter. A system should be loose for it to be truly transformational. Fortune favours the fool, the one who can see the joke but still respects the drama. We are here to learn that death is falsehood.

Delight comes only with a beginner’s mind, a certain innocence. When we’ve realised the truth of the principles of karma, everything becomes simpler. Bring a light touch to everything. We’re natural-born ecstatics, but to allow that level of beauty into our inner being we have to unlearn many of our distorted masculine traits. It begins with breath. When we learn to breathe deeply, not in a forced way, but in a relaxed and open way, then the softness of life can approach us. When our inner being is at rest or play, then ecstasy can come. Ecstasy is like the wind, it swells and dips, so we have to give ourself to it.