Moon guidance card guidance

Sagittarius Full Moon 2023 – Card Guidance

Published on: 26 May, 2023

Join us for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign


Queen of Heaven

The Queen Of Heaven,

the Divine Empress of the Skies,

acknowledges your

feminine authority now,

as a man or a woman.

You have a life path of

spiritual leadership

to bring qualities of mercy,

compassion and wisdom into the world.

goddess of ten thousand names - isis
tarot - son of flames


Ten of Cups


The ocean.

The water that contains all and gives birth to everything.

To springs, rivers, waves, depths and tears.

You have accepted all the facets of your emotions.

The ocean has welcomed you, held you, absorbed you, thrown you around, gently rocked you, washed you up onto the shore, and pulled you back.

It has immersed you in hidden chasms and shown you the richness of your emotions.

The ocean has engulfed you, cooled, and warmed you.

It has been your mirror and quenched your thirst. 


The Kiss

Before a first kiss the air is electrified. Each breath is alive with possibility and magic. What will their lips be like? Their tongue? Do they want me in return?

The archetypal energy of The Kiss is a heightened sensation of merging with other, of letting in what was moments ago separate.

Two become one.

It is risky but beautiful business. These moments forever change us as we move past the solitary self toward union and acceptance.

This card suggests true intimacy is around the corner, which requires bravery and surrender.

When The Kiss takes a nonhuman form, it may be experienced as touching the sacred, hearing a whisper, or being graced by a divine being. You will recognize the presence of The Kiss by cold chills and awakening of the heart.

When light it is sensual experience, merging, inviting.

When dark it is neediness, pressure, dominance, disrespect.

archetypes the maiden
56 - the way of enrichment

I Ching

12 – The Way of Discrimination

This hexagram is about moving from Vanity to Purity.

At the Shadow frequency of Vanity is really the Dilemma of aloneness. It’s about the balance of wanting to be alone and wanting to be part of something and others. Vanity is the false belief that we actually exist as individuals. From the view of the heart or the purity, there is only One being here because we all are a single consciousness.

The Shadow brings out the fear that others can take away the spirit of our freedom, it’s the same fear that makes us emotionally cautious. These boundaries have been developed to keep people away, to prevent them from causing hurt.

At the Gift level of Discrimination, it’s all about balancing the emotions and the mind, understanding where the behaviour is coming from. It’s important to note that purified and refined emotions are talked about, not the unconscious ego driven expression.

We have to let the whole world into our heart and as we learn to discriminate we realise that other people can’t touch us. The 12th Siddhi shows us that we are nothing but purity. No one and nothing can take away the purity of our heart.