The Sovereign Being movement revives ancient wisdom, weaving it into the rapidly evolving realities of our time to spark awakening, inspire transformation, and empower individuals to reclaim lives guided by purpose, authenticity, meaning and harmony.

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The Birth of Sovereign Being

April through August 2020; a series of revelations or transmissions were received by Maia, which guided her, with the help of others, to put together this resource.

It is a resource to support the dissolving of our current illusion, and the emergence of what will replace it.

A Timeless Gift for Transformation

The Sovereign Being is modern, ancient, and timeless, both complex and simple yet profoundly rich. It adapts fluidly and effortlessly to wherever we are on our journey, regardless of our level of consciousness, always inviting us to explore deeper paths. Working across the full spectrum of being, doing, feeling, and thinking, it reveals what lies beneath our current awareness, guiding us into uncharted internal landscapes where we stand firmly in our truth and integrity. It is a much-needed gift, bestowed upon the planet at this transformative time.

Join us on the journey.

The Sovereign Journey.

Dissolving Illusions & Building New Pathways

At its core, the Sovereign Being movement serves as a resource to dissolve the illusions that currently dominate our collective experience and to support the emergence of what will replace them. In this time of unprecedented awakening, people are shedding outdated internal and external structures, rules, and models that no longer serve. The movement works to create new pathways and patterns for growth that meet the shifting needs of individuals, relationships, communities, and the wider collective. It offers tools to navigate this new direction and foster meaningful transformation.

Restoring Purpose & Cosmic Knowledge

The Sovereign Being movement operates on both a cosmic and ground level, dedicated to restoring the knowledge around which the cosmic process of life emanates, emerges, and organises. Its mission is to teach that life is not random but is instead rich with direction, purpose, and meaning. By reviving ancient yet forgotten structures for understanding and navigating the rapidly accelerating shifts in consciousness, the movement offers a means for deeper healing. It helps us realign with our essence, reclaim our truth, reroot in sovereignty, and reawaken to our birthright of freedom.

Restoring Purpose & Cosmic Knowledge

The Sovereign Being movement operates on both a cosmic and ground level, dedicated to restoring the knowledge around which the cosmic process of life emanates, emerges, and organises. Its mission is to teach that life is not random but is instead rich with direction, purpose, and meaning. By reviving ancient yet forgotten structures for understanding and navigating the rapidly accelerating shifts in consciousness, the movement offers a means for deeper healing. It helps us realign with our essence, reclaim our truth, reroot in sovereignty, and reawaken to our birthright of freedom.

Bridging Earth & Cosmos

As the world undergoes rebirth, we are reclaiming ancient natural wisdoms that bridge the earth and cosmos. These timeless principles honor all journeys while guiding us toward sovereignty. Sovereign values restore the spectrum of consciousness within polarity and take us beyond it, adding depth, subtlety, and grace to our existence. By recognizing that we are neither solely body nor spirit, neither “them” nor “us,” but an integration of all aspects of life, we open ourselves to countless possibilities yet to be imagined or created.

Living in Fullness & Freedom

By embracing this integrated way of living, we enter into a wholly new relationship with life. The Sovereign Being movement’s mission is to unify, bridge, and embody the dimensions of body and spirit. It honors their distinctness while teaching us to move fluidly between them and invites the unknown to expand our awareness. This is how we reclaim our wholeness, embody our freedom, and begin to live in our fullness.

Living in Fullness & Freedom

By embracing this integrated way of living, we enter into a wholly new relationship with life. The Sovereign Being movement’s mission is to unify, bridge, and embody the dimensions of body and spirit. It honors their distinctness while teaching us to move fluidly between them and invites the unknown to expand our awareness. This is how we reclaim our wholeness, embody our freedom, and begin to live in our fullness.